07. Goldfinger
Author : Ian Fleming
Publisher : Pan / Great Pan
Format : Paperback
Series : Pan Movie Tie In
Edition : 12th to 20th printings
Year : 1964 (first published with this artwork)
Country published : UK
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Editions and pricing variants found with this artwork
The following printings and variants have been found:
12th printing 1964. Copies found with:
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia printed to back
13th printing 1964. Copies found with
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia printed to back
14th printing 1964. Copies found with
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia printed to back
- Unpriced to front, 6'- Australia printed to back
15th printing 1964. Copies found with
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia printed to back
- 60c printed to front, no Australian pricing to back
- No price to front 6’- Australia to back
16th printing 1964. Copies found with
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia printed to back
- 60c printed to front (no 6’- Australia to back)
- No price to front 6’- Australia to back
17th printing 1964. Copies found with
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia printed to back
18th printing 1965. Copies found with
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia printed to back
- 60c printed to front 6’- Australia to back
- No price to front 6’- Australia to back
19th printing 1965. Copies found with
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia printed to back
- 3/6 to front covered by yellow label. White label on back with United Kingdom 3/6, Australia 60c, New Zealand 45c, South Africa 45c, Canada 85c
- 60c printed to front. 6’- Australia printed to back
- No price to front 6’- Australia to back
20th printing 1965. Copies found with
- No price to front 6’- Australia to back
- 3’6 printed to front 6’- Australia to back
Collectors notes
The gold covers of this edition are fragile and crease easily. Copies are plentiful but finding a copy in fine condition can be difficult.
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