02. Live And Let Die
Author : Ian Fleming
Publisher : Pan / Great Pan
Format : Paperback
Series : Pan Movie Tie In
Edition : 23rd to 25th editions
Year : 1973 (first published with this artwork)
Country published : UK
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Editions and pricing variants found with this artwork
ISBN number 0 330 10233 8. The following printings and variants have been found with this artwork:
23rd printing 1973. Copies found with:
- Multi-currency pricing printed to back. U.K. 30p, New Zealand $1.00, Australia $1.00, Canada $1.25
24th printing 1973. Copies found with:
- Multi-currency pricing printed to back. U.K. 30p, New Zealand $1.00, Australia $1.00, Canada $1.25
25th printing 1973. Copies found with:
- Multi-currency pricing printed to back. U.K. 40p, New Zealand $1.20, Australia $1.25, Canada $1.50
- One copy has been found with pricing as per the 24th edition above. If you have a copy you would be willing to sell or trade please get in touch.
Note: the Pan printing records also record a 26th printing 1974 but no copy has been found. If you come across a copy please get in touch.
Collectors notes
The red titles on the spine seem to fade with the slightest exposure to sunlight. It is common to find copies of the book where the title has faded to the point of being invisible (see photo of spines)
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